Vir2ue Managed SIP Services

More and more companies are migrating away from traditional ISDN to a managed SIP service

Experts in the Delivery of SIP

As a BT Openreach and COLT Carrier Partner, Vir2ue can seamlessly migrate existing or install new fixed-line services including analogue, ISDN2e, and ISDN30e. Migrating these services allows Vir2ue to review and reduce the existing call and service charges. It also provides an audit to cancel any unused lines to ensure further ongoing cost reductions.

To enable businesses to novate to a cloud phone system or SIP solution in the future, Vir2ue can provide a short-term contract for their fixed phone line services which means the customer will benefit from the ongoing reduced costs and will be exempt from any penalty or termination charges.

The Big ISDN Switch Off

With the announcement that BT intends to switch off the PSTN and ISDN networks for good in 2025, starting with a cease in supply of these services as early as 2020 whilst they migrate to full IP network, the only logical solution for voice services is SIP.

Compared to traditional fixed line services, SIP provides key business benefits. SIP not only reduces ongoing costs, but also delivers the ability to implement bespoke call routing plans that can be used in the unlikely event of a Disaster Recovery ensuring that you never miss a call.

Managed SIP – Why Use Vir2ue?

Utilising our knowledge, experience and carrier relationships, Vir2ue can consult, install and support a Fully Managed SIP solution to meet all our customer’s requirements.

Vir2ue's SIP services can be provided with a dedicated circuit running voice only or as a converge service supporting your voice and the data application and over the public internet where customers already have an existing data circuit in place and just want to use us for their voice.

For those businesses moving to Microsoft Teams as a replacement telephone system, we have a number of different options to support Teams Direct Call Routing providing a managed service delivery to seamlessly connect your Teams users and their existing DDI’s.

Make the switch from ISDN to SIP today!


With the announcement that Openreach are switching off the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), customers will need to convert their existing ISDN lines to SIP if they want to retain their existing on premise phone system or move to Microsoft Teams.


Moving from ISDN to SIP will provide ongoing savings based on reduced monthly service rentals and customer call expenditure.


Vir2ue's SIP solutions can support bespoke Disaster Recovery plans, Direct Teams Call Routing and offer a hybrid setup where clients require a mixture of hosted users for their mobile workers and remote offices.


Using our chosen service partners, Vir2ue can currently support PSTN replacement SIP services in 35 countries which increases to over 120 when we add our NGN capabilities.